Thursday, January 24, 2008

Presidential Campaign in New Hampshire

One of my recent assignments for a magazine was to cover the presidential campaign in New Hampshire, just before the primary on Jan 8th 2008.

I was able to photograph Rudy Giuliani ( I also photographed him when he was Mayor); John Edwards ( at a 6:30 AM rally) and Barack Obama ( the day after he won the Iowa Caucus). Other candidates arrived after I had to fly to Tampa for another event.

Trash the Dress - Tampa Style

Brides sometimes love to get back into their dresses after the wedding for some fun after bridal sessions. These sessions can include going wild in the water, sand, climbing trees, etc, these sessions are usually referred to as "Trash The Dress".

At a recent wedding photographer's convention in Tampa, some great models, helped us out during a mini photo session. These images are a result of this session. Enjoy and think about it!